Sound recording of an entire concert held at Pisga Chapel Llandissilio on 10 May 2024 which features the first performance of PRESELI.

Sound recording of an entire concert held at Pisga Chapel Llandissilio on 10 May 2024 which features the first performance of PRESELI.

This is a Waldo Williams Society commission from the composer Eric Jones on Waldo Williams’s poem.

Capel PISGA Llandysilio


7.30 yh

yn cynnwys


o waith


ar eiriau Waldo Williams


Côr Crymych

Arweinydd   Wendy Henderson

Cyfeilydd  Elin Ennis


Parti’r Gromlech

Hyfforddwraig  Eleri Roberts

Telynores  Marian O’Toole


Elis Jones  a  Siôn Eilir Roberts

Tenor                                           Bariton

Cyfeilydd  Eirian Owen


Siôn Jenkins

I ymuno â’n rhestr derbyn gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau anfonwch eich manylion cyswllt at neu neges destun at 07850 713902


O GYMRU                                                                       Rhys Jones, Leslie Harries

                                                                                 Trefn / Arr:  Aled Lloyd Davies

CANA I MI GÂN O HEDDWCH                                                      Rhydian Meilir                                                                                                     Trefn/Arr:  Caradog Williams

PRESELI                                                                         Eric Jones, Waldo Williams



PRESELI         Waldo Williams, cyfieithiad newydd / new translation Menna Elfyn


YR IAITH A GARAF                                                           Geiriau Waldo Williams                                                                                           Cainc:  ‘Rhos Aeron’ Rhiannon Ifan

         Gosodiad:  Rhiannon Ifan

DETHOLIAD O ‘ENGLYNION Y DATEN’                       Geiriau Waldo Williams

                                                                    Cainc:  ‘Llys Eurgain’, Ceinwen Roberts

                                                                                              Gosodiad:  Eleri Roberts


‘UN GOEDEN FACH’ a ‘TIME FLIES’                                  Siôn Jenkins


EFENGYL TANGNEFEDD                                                       Geiriau Eifion Wyn

                                                                               Cainc:  ‘Ael y Bryn’, Owain Siôn

                                                                                              Gosodiad:  Eleri Roberts

HON                                                                                Geiriau T H Parry Williams

                                                                                      Cainc:  ‘Henfro’ Bethan Bryn

                                                                                              Gosodiad:  Eleri Roberts


DAL EIN TIR                                                            Rhys Jones, Aled Lloyd Davies

PARADWYS Y BARDD                                                             W Bradwen Jones, Eifion Wyn

AVANT DE QUITTER CES LIEUX                                                                 Faust, C. Gounod

Y PYSGOTWYR PERL                                  Les pêcheurs de perles, Bizet, Gerallt Jones


FE GAWN DDAWNSIO                                             Eric Jones,  W Rhys Nicholas

TANGNEFEDDWYR                                                    Eric Jones,  Waldo Williams



PISGA Chapel Llandissilio

FRIDAY 10 MAY 2024

7.30 pm

to include


of ERIC JONES’s composition

on the words of Waldo Williams’s poem


Côr Crymych

Conductor   Wendy Henderson

Accompanist  Elin Ennis


Parti’r Gromlech

Music Arranger   Eleri Roberts

Harpist   Marian O’Toole


Elis Jones   and   Siôn Eilir Roberts

                          Tenor                                             Baritone

Accompanist  Eirian Owen


Siôn Jenkins

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As pacifism was an integral part of Waldo’s personality, Cymdeithas Waldo supports the plea made by a myriad of Christian organisations for a ceasefire wherever there are wars in the world.   Waldo believed that “God’s mysterious network, bonded every living being”. As a result we support those on both sides of all conflicts who call for an end to killing.

New Translation by Menna Elfyn

Childhood’s wall around me, Foel Drigarn, Carn Gyfrwy, Tal Mynydd,

has my back in all independence of mind,

my place this, from Witwg to Wern, down to Yr Efail, the Smithy

where sparks flew older than the iron of time.

And on farmyards around each of my people’s dwellings

lineage of wind, rain and mist, flag iris and heather,

wrestling with the earth and sky as they carried – stooped

 before  reaching the sun for the children’s  rapture.

Memory and sign in touch. Reapers on a neighbour’s scarp

four sheafs of oats, felled at their will

in one swift take. Then, to slacken their backs

loud laughter at the clouds, a whoop, four voices sing.

My Wales, friendship’s country, my cry, my creed

only balm to the world, its challenge, each day,

pearl of the infinite hour, time as its pledge,

hope rides the long path on the short way.

She was my window, the harvest and the shearing

I witnessed order in my great hall there,

There’s a roar, there’s rampage through the windowless forest,

Keep the wall from the beast, keep the spring clean. Beware dirt.


The composer from Pontarddulais, Eric Jones, who has already made a name for himself with his setting of the poem ‘Y Tangnefeddwyr’ (The Peacemakers) has accepted a commission from Cymdeithas Waldo Williams to give a similar treatment to one of the poet’s other poems.

Almost everyone will quote a few lines from the poem ‘Preseli’ without hesitation. It was written by Waldo towards the end of the 1940s when the War Office threatened to take permanent possession of the Preseli hills.

As we celebrate 75 years since that battle was won it is fitting that the society, formed in the name of the author, should commission music that will further enhance our appreciation of the poem. It should also be remembered that Waldo Williams was born 120 years ago.

Côr Crymych has accepted the privilege of performing the first public rendition at a concert to be held at Capel Pisga, Llandysilio, on Friday evening, May 10. The composer himself will be present. He explained how he went about the task.

“Waldo’s poems can be complicated and intricate as you are likely to discover some new nuance with every reading and contemplation. It is a challenge then to strike a musical style that will ensure a musical flow. Most probably it will have to be listened to several times before deciding whether it clicks or not.

“The poem ‘Preseli’, of course, praises the neighbourhood but there is a sudden change in the last two lines, a different message is conveyed, and that in itself is a challenge. The whole poem has a strong alliterative element and that then has to be conveyed in the musical rhythms, and hopefully they will be a means to convey the meaning of the poem,” he said.

Eric Jones has already composed memorable music to some of Waldo’s other poems such as Cofio’ and ‘Brawdoliaeth’ (included in the ‘Caneuon Ffydd’ hymnal), and some of his children’s poems, and of course almost every choir will include his rendition of ‘Y Tangnefeddwyr’ in their repertoire.

Quoting the words ‘Cadwn y mur rhag y bwystfil, cadwn y ffynnon rhag y baw’ is a familiar experience but it will be a completely new experience after May 10 to be able to sing the words to the music of the composer from Yr Hendy.


The Choir was established at the beginning of the 1950s and now approximately 50 members meet weekly to practice in Ysgol Bro’r Preseli.   Over the years the Choir has enjoyed substantial success having won competitions in the National Eisteddfod five times.   Concert performances have been given throughout Wales and beyond:  Ireland, Scotland, England and Austria.   The Choir has also contributed to numerous charities over the years.   

Wendy Henderson – Conductor

Wendy is from the locality having been born and brought up in Mynachlog-ddu; educated at Ysgol y Preseli before gaining her degree in music at Bangor University.    She worked as a music teacher in Amman Valley, Tenby, Singapore, Fishguard, Dubai, Scotland and England before returning to live in the area.

Elin Ennis – Accompanist

Originally from Newport Pembrokeshire Elin attended Ysgol y Preseli.   She accompanied the Choir for a period during her first year of teaching which was at Ysgol Dyffryn Taf.    She was Head of the Music Department and Deputy Head Teacher at Builth Wells High School before returning to this area in 2020 to become Head of Music at Ysgol Bro Preseli.   Elin and her family have lived in Llandissilio since 2021.


Siôn Jenkins is a local boy whose roots lie only a hundred yards up the road from the venue of tonight’s concert. He attended the village primary school, Ysgol Brynconin, before receiving his secondary education at Ysgol y Preseli, where he was elected Head Boy. He graduated in French and Italian from Durham University. He returned to Wales to begin his career in broadcasting with ITV Cymru Wales in Cardiff. He was the presenter of the current affairs series Hacio and Ein Byd on S4C; now, however, he can be seen reporting on ITV Cymru Wales’ news programme, Wales at Six, as well as presenting two of S4C’s flagship programmes – Y Byd ar Bedwar and Pawb a’i Farn. Siôn has won numerous awards for his TV work, including a BAFTA Cymru award last year for a special Y Byd ar Bedwar programme filmed in Qatar as the country prepared for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Siôn appears regularly on Eisteddfod stages; as a successful recitation performer, and now as one of the main stage compères at the National Eisteddfod. His biggest achievement as a competitor was winning the Llwyd o’r Bryn Memorial Prize – the recitation Blue Ribbon – at the 2022 National Eisteddfod held in Ceredigion.

Siôn is very grateful for the invitation to return home this evening and is looking forward to seeing many familiar faces.


Parti’r Gromlech was formed by Rhiannon Ifan in September 1990, to compete in the Gŵyl Cerdd Dant, and she remained at the helm until 2006 when she moved to Llanddoged in the vale of Conwy.

One of Pembrokeshire’s cromlechau, or stone chambers – Gwal y Filast, Llanglydwen – gave its name to the party, and in 1995, before the compact disc age,’Sefyll ein Tir’, a cassette comprising twelve songs was published by Cwmni Fflach. 

For a period of over 30 years, Parti’r Gromlech has competed regularly at the Gŵyl Cerdd Dant and at the National Eisteddfod, gaining first, second or third position two dozen times. Their latest success was winning first prize in the cerdd dant open party competition at the 2022 National Eisteddfod at Tregaron.   

Eleri Roberts – Music Arranger

Eleri, one of the original members of Parti’r Gromlech, was raised on a farm in Henllan Amgoed. Educated at the local village school and Whitland Grammar School, she graduated in Welsh from University College, Aberystwyth. She settled in the town, holding posts at the National Library, as a nursery teacher and administrative officer for a publishing company and at the Books Council of Wales. She enjoys coaching children and young people in the art of cerdd dant and folk singing, and has led Parti’r Gromlech since 2007.

Marian O’Toole – Harpist

Marian comes from Llandyfrïog, Newcastle Emlyn. After leaving Llandysul Grammar School, she studied music at Cardiff University before focusing on the harp in London. She taught in the Rhondda area for many years before returning to her home village on being appointed peripatetic harp tutor with the Carmarthenshire Music Service. She is accompanist to the Newcastle Emlyn Rugby Club Choir and enjoys travelling and walking. 


Elis Jones – Tenor

Elis comes from Pentrecelyn near Rhuthun.   Since graduating from Harper Adams University he works as a rural surveyor across North Wales.

He won the open tenor competition in the 2022 and 2023 National Eisteddfod together with the Lieder prize in 2022.   Elis is a founder member of Côr Dyffryn Clwyd as well as a first tenor in Côr Godre’r Aran.

Apart from singing Elis’s main interest is clay pigeon shooting.   He is a member of the Welsh team and holds the title of British Champion as well as World Champion which is an honour he won in a tournament in South Africa last year.

Siôn Eilir Roberts – Bariton

Siôn was raised in Pwllglas near Rhuthun and spent his youth on the family farm Garthiaen, Llandrillo near Corwen.    He graduated in Agriculture from Aberystwyth University and followed his grandfather Ellis Lloyd when, ten years ago, he joined Côr Godre’r Aran.

He is a livestock auctioneer by profession in St. Asaph and enjoys singing in his free time especially if he has refrained from shouting during his working day!

Siôn won the British Young Aucioneer of the Year in 2022.   Last year he won the Lieder prize at the National Eisteddfod.

Eirian Owen – Accompanist

Born in Llanuwchllyn, Eirian graduated from Bangor University.    She worked for twenty years as a staff accompanist at Chetham’s Music School, Manchester.   Now however, she teaches singing and piano at her home in Dolgellau.   She was the official accompanist at the National Eisteddfod and the International Music Eisteddfod Llangollen for many years and Eirian is the Music Director of Côr Godre’r Aran.   Eirian’s leisure interests are travelling and outdoor activities.


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