A good crowd came to Neuadd Bwlch-y-groes on Tuesday 25 for a recording of two programs by the B.B.C. under the care of the Poet Ceri Wyn Jones. In the…

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Waldo Walks 2023

Llinos Penfold, on behalf of Cymdeithas Waldo, organised three Sunday afternoon walks over the summer in areas associated with Waldo Williams. As expected, the first on May 7th was in…

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Annual Lecture 2022

As she delivered the Cymdeithas Waldo Annual Lecture under the title ’Plentyn y Ddaear – Dychmygu Heddwch’ (Child of the Earth – Imagining Peace), at the National Library, Aberystwyth on…

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Ceri Wyn Lecture 2021

‘SOLACE IN DARK TIMES’ On presenting Cymdeithas Waldo’s first virtual Annual Lecture on September 24th, the guest lecturer deftly argued that Waldo’s poems are a means of upholding the individual’s…

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Annual Lecture 2020

Because of the uncertainty and the anxiety regarding the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s Annual Lecture, due to be held on Friday, September 25, at Bethel Chapel, Mynachlog-ddu, has been cancelled….

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Emyr Llewelyn Lecture 2019

‘Waldo’s Religion’ was Emyr Llewelyn’s chosen topic on the occasion of the ninth Annual Cymdeithas Waldo Lecture at Oriel y Parc, St Davids on Friday, September 27. It was Emyr…

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Lecture by Robert Rhys 2017

Re-building the House Dr Robert Rhys based his lecture at Capel Hermon, Fishguard, on September 29 2017, to a large extent, on the majestic ode of praise delivered by Waldo…

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Lecture by Ieuan Wyn 2016

In a lecture delivered in the village of Rhoscrowdder, near Pembroke, by Professor M. Wynn Thomas, on Thursday night 26 May, the effect of the horror felt by the poet Waldo Williams as a result of his headmaster’s insanity was dealt with for the first time ever in public. from father Due to John Edwal’s illness the family had to move from Haverfordwest to Mynachlog-ddu so that he could regain his strength in the breeze of the hills as a slightly smaller school sculpin. Years later, after the death of his parents, Waldo had to receive treatment for his own nervous breakdown

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Lecture by Professor M. Wynn Thomas 2016

In a lecture delivered in the village of Rhoscrowther, near Pembroke on 26 May 2016, Professor M. Wynn Thomas – for the first time in the public arena – dealt with the effect of the anxiety that Waldo Williams felt as a result of his father’s loss of sanity. It was because of John Edwal’s ill-health the family moved from Haverfordwest to Mynachlog-ddu so that he could regain his strength in the mountain breeze as the headmaster of a much smaller school. Years later, after the death of his parents, Waldo received treatment for his own severe nervous affliction.

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Elm Cottage Plaque

Waldo Williams was a person who could be easily loved, according to Dilys Parry, on account of the fact that he was such ‘a dear, dear man’. She came to know him well through attending his night classes at Haverfordwest, assisting him in his 1959 general election campaign, and joining him and his fellow Quakers on their frequent walks.

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Aled Gwyn Lecture 2014

The voices of the Parcnest Boys must have been specifically made to recite the poetry of their literary hero, Waldo Williams. The mellifluous tone of the Dyfed dialect could be heard in the voice of the youngest of the three, Aled Gwyn, as he quoted extensively from the poet’s poems when he delivered the Annual Cymdeithas Waldo Lecture, based on a line from the ‘In Two Fields’ poem – ‘Mor agos at ei gilydd y deuem’ – which translates as ‘how close to each other we became’, at Puncheston in North Pembrokeshire on Friday September 26 2014.

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Gareth Miles Lecture 2013

Waldo Williams’ muse cannot be appreciated without reference to the impish aspect of his personality along with the more familiar profound element. That was the gist of dramatist Gareth Miles’…

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Mererid Hopwood Lecture 2012

Waldo Williams would not have approved of the ‘Big Society’ concept of the Tory Party, according to Mererid Hopwood, as she delivered Cymdeithas Waldo’s Annual Lecture. As she analysed the…

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Rowan Williams Lecture 2012

On Friday, March 23, 2012 the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, delivered a lecture entitled ‘Poetry and Peacemaking’, based on the poems of Waldo Williams, at Pisga Chapel, Llandysilio, Pembrokeshire….

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